
Proactive virus defense

I frequently discuss common computer issues with my employees and technicians so I can stay current with everyday computer issues.  Chris asked me to put a different twist on virus issues and discuss reactive and proactive systems.  My argument to him was that every week something makes it into one of my articles regarding viruses.  If you’re a frequent reader don’t skip to the next article – I promise this will be different.

Let’s take a closer look at a common virus.  You land on a website entrenched with a virus.  The virus installs itself on your computer.  If you’re lucky, the virus software you have installed will find it and remove it.  More than likely, however, the virus will have turned off your antivirus software rendering it useless.  Software utilities installed on your computer do nothing more than react.

The process of removing a virus usually requires removal of the virus software that was installed to prevent such attacks.  No matter the technician, the process is a reactive one.  You see the visual evidence of a virus so you start running software to remove it.  The removal process typically scans either specific files or the whole hard drive where the virus has been deep-rooted.  Reactive removal processes can be daunting sometimes ending in a complete re-installation of the operating system.

Frequently I’ll talk to users who believe the firewall they’ve installed on their computer is the end-all be-all.  Die hard firewall users argue the application blocks code prior to being installed on the computer.  Although firewalls add an additional layer of protection to a computer, they simply cannot detect the issue until it’s already on the machine.  Again, a reactive approach.

Proactive processes are much better at preventing viruses, spyware and malicious code. This type of prevention asserts that even before the bad stuff makes it to your computer it has to pass through a primary line of defense – not connected to your computer.  The simple reality is that if the code can’t get there in the first place it can’t affect it.

By far the most proactive defense is a hardware firewall system.  Typically these are installed after the modem and before the router.  A hardware firewall is nothing more than a dedicated computer with its own software installed to detect and remove threats before they reach computers on the network.  Hardware firewalls are not typically implemented in either small business or homes due to cost and perceived complexity.

Another very good proactive defense tool is cloud computing.  I’ve talked before about cloud utilities and have great success with my personal cloud defense system.  Cloud systems work by sending signals from your computer to a centralized database to check the safety and integrity of the site before allowing the computer to connect.  If the site is reported as bad then the connection will not be allowed.

Unfortunately proactive systems are not usually put in place by consumers and small businesses and this type of defense is usually an afterthought.  Hardware firewalls are usually part of business class routers and setting it up usually requires subscribing to a monthly plan.  The cost per year for business class service is around $200.00.  Cloud systems can be found for little or no money and take about an hour to implement.

If computers on your network frequently contract viruses I would strongly suggest taking a second look at your program.  I am guessing you are probably using a reactive approach to virus scanning and should take a second look at a more proactive plan.

(Jeromy Patriquin is the President of Laptop & Computer Repair, Inc. located at 509 Main St. in Gardner.  You can e-mail him at remoquin@gmail.com or call him directly at (978) 919-8059.)

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