
Who are hackers?

Many people throw the term ‘hacker’ around without really knowing what it means to truly be a hacker.  Sure, there’s the type of hacker that cuts through things.  There are also really bad athletes who can’t play games but try.  Today I’m talking about computer junkies who use their skills to manipulate data from others’ computers.

Computers and hackers have evolved together.  In the early days of computers – when mainframe dinosaurs were the status quo – computer programmers worked to make the programs that ran them more efficient.  However, it wasn’t until the 1980’s when true hackers came into the spotlight.

As the use of computers escalated in the 1980’s and 90’s so did the growth of hacking.  Computer systems were being bombarded in epic numbers.  Companies and organizations like AT&T and Los Alamos National Laboratory were targeted as well as personal computers.  1986 brought the introduction a new kind of threat:  computer viruses that installed automatically.

With regard to computers, it wasn’t until 1986 when Congress reacted to the hacking community with the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act.  Both laws made it illegal to break into computers.  Ironically though, the law doesn’t pertain to the largest perpetrators:  minors.

Hacking isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  It’s arguable that software wouldn’t be where it is now without hackers being involved.  Computer hackers are forever looking for alternative methods of rewriting computer code to make programs and operating systems run at peak efficiency.  If it weren’t for hackers we wouldn’t have programs like Open Office; a 100% free Microsoft Office alternative.

Facebook, a major online website, openly invites elite hackers to join their ranks.  In August of this year, Facebook encouraged people from the hacking community to intentionally try and point out flaws in their website.  Facebook benefits from using experienced hackers and rewards them monetarily when a legitimate flaw is discovered.

The title ‘Hacker’ is truly elitist.  Translated from geek (not Greek) to the rest of us, it means someone who truly can modify code and manipulate systems.  Much more common is someone called a ‘Script Kiddie.’  Script Kiddies simply use codes written by others to try and break into computer systems.  Many more people in the community refer to themselves as hackers than there actually are.  True hackers are few and far between.

Two things happen to true hackers:  they are either arrested or go on to much bigger and better things.  Many hackers work in such places as Homeland Security, the FBI, and CIA.  Truth be told, hackers are very smart and have high intelligence.  Elite hackers are able to work around computer code that was written to prevent such intrusions.

Most households and small businesses don’t need to worry about hackers trying to break into their computer networks.  The most superior of the hacking community concentrate on breaking into large organizations simply for the thrill or excitement.  One hacker suggests the thrill is similar to the adrenaline rush one reaches after winning a game.

Threats for smaller companies and individuals come from script kiddies running predefined programs and utilities.  One of the biggest scripts in the last ten years was Sub7; a program written for wannabe hackers that scanned for, and exploited, open ports on target computers.  I’ve fooled around with the program myself and it uses a wizard style interface that allows use by anyone.

Most hackers and script kiddies will pass by your computer if it’s too difficult to penetrate.  Implementing a good third party firewall will make your computer almost invisible to outsiders.  Preventing data leach by properly disposing of your old hard drive will prevent people from finding your old tax documents and other sensitive data.  Strong passwords using capital letters, numbers, and symbols will prevent most from being able to bypass your security.

(Jeromy Patriquin is the President of Laptop & Computer Repair, Inc. located at 509 Main St. in Gardner.  You can text him at (978) 413-2840 or call him directly at (978) 919-8059.)

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